Izabela Sadoveanu Evan

Izabela SadoveanuEvan was a Romanian literary critic, educationist, opinion journalist, poet and feminist militant. She spent her youth advocating socialism, and rallied with leftwing politics for the remainder of her life, primarily as a representative of Poporanist circles and personal friend of culture critic Garabet Ibrileanu. Under Ibrileanus guidance, Sadoveanu wrote for Viaa Romneasc review, where she tried to reconcile ethnic nationalism and traditionalism with aestheticism. As literary critic, she championed the recognition of Symbolism as an independent cultural phenomenon, and reviewed modern developments in English literature.

Izabela Morun hailed from the historical region of Moldavia her place of birth is given as Suceti, Bacu County, but she may also have been born in Hertsa region. Her parents were Gheorghe Grigore and Eleonora Morun, uncle and aunt of the socialist Vasile Morun. By virtue of birth, Izabela was related to several leading Moldavian intellectual and boyar families her own branch, the Moruneti, was intermarried with the Racovieti, the Movileti and even the ancient House of BogdanMuat. Also among her relatives was the Arbore family, whose members include socialists Zamfir and Ecaterina Arbore.

Source: Wikipedia